FGM - Vittra APS - Composite UNIQUE - ONE Shade - Chameleon Effect Nano-Hybrid - syringe 4gr - # 4000055659

FGM - Vittra APS - Composite UNIQUE - ONE Shade - Chameleon Effect Nano-Hybrid    - syringe 4gr -  # 4000055659 Buy & Get Free
FGM - Vittra APS - Composite UNIQUE - ONE Shade - Chameleon Effect Nano-Hybrid    - syringe 4gr -  # 4000055659
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Color : DA0 - syringe 4gr - # 4000019384
# 4000055659

CHAMELEON Effect copies the color of the dental adjacent substrate during polymerization 

0.2mic FILLING with Zirconia Silica Spherical particles

APS System allows extended working time under operating Light 

Follows WHITENING Treatments 

LS Low Shrinkage

        Vittra APS UNIQUE is a sub-micrometric Composite with capacity to mirror the shade of the tooth from Bleach to D4. With state-of-the-art technology, it delivers high esthetic results with simplicity, excellent shine and polishing and eliminates the necessity of shade selection, which increases the productivity of the professional.
One shade for all shades. Vittra APS UNIQUE allows you to work with just one Composite in direct restorations on anterior and posterior teeth (classes I, II, III, IV, V and VI).

The Chameleon Effect with a One Shade Composite

Shade selection can be one of the most time-consuming aspects of dental restoration. But with a one shade Composite and the chameleon effect, the tedious and complicated shade selection process is avoided.

When performing procedures with FGM Dental Group Composites, there’s no need to use several products to get the perfect look and feel for the patient. A one shade Composite allows for incremental adjustment chairside, allowing the clinician to closely match surrounding teeth to achieve the chameleon effect..

What is the Chameleon Effect in Dental Restoration?

The chameleon effect describes the phenomena observed when comparing restorations side by side between esthetic dental materials and hard dental tissue. The observable differences are minimized when observing side by side, rather than in isolation.

A one shade Composite makes it simple to incrementally apply the material to develop the perfect shade-matched smile from Bleach through to D4. There’s no need for stratification, and it’s simple to mimic surrounding hard tissue for a flawless smile.

Vittra APS UNIQUE is a reliable one shade Composite that allows clinicians to leverage the chameleon effect for better restorations and improved patient satisfaction.

Chameleon effect
Copies the shade of the dental substrate during the polymerization process, achieving perfect mimicry thanks to the chromatic mirroring characteristics of the Composite.
Exclusive APS Technology (Advanced Polymerization System)
Longer working time even under the reflector's Light, more efficient photopolymerization, increased mechanical properties, superior esthetics with shade transmission and mirroring facilitated thanks to the more transparent photoinitiators of the APS technology (compatible with all Light emitting Light-curing devices).
Cavities class I, II, V and VI: in case of darkening, cover the area with dentin Composite or opacifiers (according to the professional choice) and proceed with the incremental technique restoration with Vittra APS UNIQUE. Class III and IV cavities (without a back wall to support the shade): make a layer that will serve as a background for the restoration and finish the rest of the volume with Vittra APS UNIQUE in an incremental way.

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