GC Fuji Ortho Band Paste Pak, Refill - BLUE Glass Ionomer Orthodontic Band - #001888

GC Fuji Ortho Band Paste Pak, Refill - BLUE Glass Ionomer Orthodontic Band - #001888
SKU: 421273 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD 6-7 DAYS

Minimum quantity is 1.

Manufacturer #
GC-Ortho Band
Band Cements
Self Cured
6-7 DAYS

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GC Fuji Ortho Band Paste Pak, Refill - BLUE Glass Ionomer Orthodontic Band - #001888


GC Fuji ORTHO Band is a blue, resin modified glass ionomer for bonding orthodontic bands. It can also be used for the cementation of appliances retained with stainless steel crowns (ex: Herbst or expansion appliances).

The new Paste Pak Dispenser saves time and reduces waste. It delivers consistent mixes every time, no matter the amount that the mix requires. Simply adjust the dispenser's metering slide and dispense the exact amount of GC Fuji ORTHO Band Cement you need with the exact mixing ratio for optimized physical properties.

GC Fuji ORTHO Band Cement mixes within 15 seconds and has about 3½ minutes working time with final set after 3 minutes (in the mouth). Its blue color distinguishes the cement for easy clean-up and removal.


-No etching required

-Place in a wet field

-Excellent handling characteristics; stays where it is placed - will not move

-Perfect bond for bands - no extra bonding agent needed - high compressive, tensile, and sheer bond strengths

-Excellent bond to enamel (tooth structure), metal, ceramic and composite surfaces of restored teeth

-Strong, yet flexes under stress to withstand forceful impact

-Easy de-bond will not damage tooth

-Sustained, rechargeable fluoride released prevents secondary carries and decalcification (white spot lesions)

-Eliminates the need for cosmetic restorations due to decalcification and enamel damage

-Two (13.3 g; 7.2 mL) cartridges and 1 Mixing Pad.

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