VARSEO VarseoSmile Crown plus, C2, 250gr - #41122   3D Resin
SKU: 464407 - 1-2 day drop shipped from Manufacturer

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Manufacturer #
Crown Plus
C&B MFH Hybrid

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VarseoSMILE Crown PLUS

The tooth-colored ceramic filled Hybrid material for 3D printing of permanent single crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers

Advantages for the laboratory

  • Specially for the resin developed printing and processing parameters ensure smooth production sequences with reproducible results at any time
  • High dimensional stability and strength of the printed objects due to high values of flexural strength and flexural modulus – therefore precise fit
  • Minimized resin sedimentation for easy handling, no mixing or shaking necessary with regular use
  • Easy to grind and polish by using standard tools
  • Seven shades according to the proven VITA* classical shades:
    A1, A2, A3, B1, B3, C2, D3
  • Satisfies all the requirements for a Class IIa** medical device

Advantages for the patient

  • Excellent aesthetics thanks to a balanced ratio of opacity and translucency
  • Low tendency to age and discolor thanks to very low water absorption
  • Low plaque accumilation due to smooth surface
  • High comfort thanks to low cold and heat sensitivity
  • Antagonist-friendly material with mechanical buffering effect – ideal for implant-supported crowns
  • Minimized formation of secondary caries thanks to a high adhesive bond with luting composites
  • High biocompatibility due to very low water solubility – therefore not cytotoxic, not genotoxic, not toxic, not irritating and not sensitizing

Individualization with stains

The individualization of the post-cured objects is possible with composite stains and is the responsibility of the user. Follow manufacturer‘s instructions.

Note for practitioners

VarseoSMILE Crown PLUS can be attached using self-adhesive cements (e. g. RelyX Unicem*, 3M Espe*) or composite cement with a primer (e. g. Variolink Esthetic DC* and Monobond PLUS*, Ivoclar Vivadent*). Observe the instructions for use of the luting agent.


The light polymerization can be achieved with the BEGO Otoflash (two xenon stroboscopic lamps, flash frequency 10 Hz, light spectrum 300 – 700 nm) or with the HiLite Power*, Fa. Heraeus Kulzer* (one xenon stroboscope lamp, flash frequency 20 Hz, light spectrum 390 – 540 nm).

Required light-curing time
Light-curing deviceLight-curingComments
BEGO Otoflash (with protective gas)2 × 1,500 flashesTurn object between the exposure cycles
HiLite Power2 × 90 seconds
Product details
ColorA1, A2, A3, B1, B3, C2, D3
Densityapprox. 1.4 – 1.5 g/cm³
Layer thickness50 ?m
Viscosity2,500 – 6,000 MPa*s
Flexural strength116 MPa
Flexural modulus4,090 MPa
Water solubility0.23 µg/mm³
Water sorption3.6 µg/mm³
Wavelength405 nm


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