Ideal for dental professionals who value biocompatibility and patient safety. CURIE is validated with 150+ resin profiles, and has a smart UV system that delivers a uniform 360º blast to guarantee safe applications such as splints crowns, occlusal guards, surgical guides, and more - no flipping required.
CURIE offers a broad choice of compatible resins thanks to its 365, 385, 405 nm mix-matrix LED's for improved rigidity and suitabilityfor Class II biomaterials.
360° UV Light Distribution
CURIE's UV-LED are strategically positioned to provide a 360º uniform light distribution for a thorough cure in a single process - no need for manual flipping.
Suitable for Bio-Resins
CURIE allows dental professionals to easily access 150+ validated resin profiles to produce biocompatible dental applications that are safe for patients to use.