BRAND HOUSE -FLEXI-TIPS WHITE ASSORTED size #2 - 5pk - Adhesive Composite Resin Cement Porcelain Teeth Silicone Brush Pen

BRAND HOUSE -FLEXI-TIPS WHITE  ASSORTED size #2 - 5pk - Adhesive Composite Resin Cement Porcelain Teeth Silicone Brush Pen
BRAND HOUSE -FLEXI-TIPS WHITE  ASSORTED size #2 - 5pk - Adhesive Composite Resin Cement Porcelain Teeth Silicone Brush Pen
SKU: 474830 - ETD: Sold out - this item won't be restocked.

Minimum quantity is 1.

Manufacturer #
F 511-1
Sold out - this item won't be restocked.

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ADS - FLEXI - TIPS White Assorted - Size 2
# 118017 - Mfg # F 511-2


* Specially designed for sticky COMPOSITE resins, acrylics, epoxies, sealants, lubricants, and waxes.
* Non-stick FLEXI-TIPS have a true non-stick surface, flexible enough to produce fluid shapes but firm enough to compact and condense viscous COMPOSITE material.
* The key to their performance is the solid, flexible silicone tip.
* 5 unique tip shapes: Materials can be picked-up, applied, condensed, carved, blended, smoothed and textured, effortlessly.
* Angel Chisel- for applying stains & internal stria
* Flat Chisel- for bending layers & shaping surfaces
* Cup Chisel- for modeling occlusal surfaces
* Cup Round- for modeling cervical areas
* Taper Point- ideal for occlusal
* Shaping FLEXI-TIPS allows each layer of COMPOSITE material to be firmly compacted and smoothed into the previous layer.
* Easily polish and create a beautiful, dense restoration with no visible joints or voids.
* FLEXI-TIPS have been evaluated and approved by the leading manufacturers of COMPOSITE restorative materials.
* Stiffer and more durable than brushes.
* Faster and easier than rigid INSTRUMENTS.

Quantity: 5 per pack, same shape. Size 0


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