How loud is 54 dB?
According to I
AC Acoustics Lab, 54 dB is comparable to: Quiet suburb, conversation at home. Large electrical transformers at 100 feet.
What are the recommended sterilization methods?
We recommend removing the collection mouthpiece and cleaning with alcohol or equivalent anti-viral solution. Do not autoclave.
What is the recommended maintenance?
Inspect and replace the pre-filter around once per quarter. Inspect and replace HEPA filter every six months and replace if suction is hindered.
Why don’t you use UV light in your unit?:
UVC light is only effective at killing viruses it “can see” The pleats and design of HEPA filters is not penetrated by UV light. Additionally, “This option is not one of the CDC recommended designs. For more on this, check our article on
whether UV light is effective in HEPA devices or not.Why don’t you use UV light in your unit?:
• Since we’ve been making suction systems for over 30 years, our patented technology and existing design easily translated into a high quality extraoral suction system. Our unit offers a superior quality turbine motor which offers 2.3X the suction power of comparable models and thanks to years of engineering, our system is the quietest aerosol suction unit on the market at a low 54 dB. Also keep in mind that our unit is assembled in the USA at our facility in Southern California and is nearly 1/3 the price of other units. VANIMAN offers full service technical support and is trusted name by all major dealers.