UP3D - Design Software with USB key - Fixed Prothesis - Veneers - Inlay Onlay - Permanent License - Free Critical updates and Optional Upgrades at minimum cost - ( no removable or implant module yet ) -

UP3D - Design Software with USB key - Fixed Prothesis - Veneers - Inlay Onlay - Permanent License - Free Critical updates and Optional Upgrades at minimum cost - ( no removable or implant module yet ) -
UP3D - Design Software with USB key - Fixed Prothesis - Veneers - Inlay Onlay - Permanent License - Free Critical updates and Optional Upgrades at minimum cost - ( no removable or implant module yet ) -
SKU: 416557 - IN STOCK

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UP3D - Design Software - UPCAD
Digital dentistry has changed all of this, making traditional dental treatment easier through computer-aided Design and processing, eliminating complex milling processes, and using UPCAD's integrated digital milling equipment, allowing lab to more easily complete the difficult denture Design. In the digital process of dentistry, CAD is as important as the heart is to human beings, playing a key role in carrying the whole picture of activity.
UPCAD designs restorative products to interface with all types of open machining systems commonly found in the market, including milling and 3D printing systems.
• Strong capability of data calculation
• Easy workflow
• Wide range of indication
UP3D remains dedicated to
• create a new standard of aesthetic dentistry
Basic Design functions
Support basic restoration Design requirements.
Productivity maximizes and personality customize
UP3D strictly control the Design and functionality of the Software in terms of product quality: a user-friendly interface, wide indications, intelligent guide workflow, rich and diverse database services, open interface for each Software module, reducing the costs of digital transformation and learning, and becoming a familiar and reliable dental technician application.
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