XPS TRILOBE Implant Fixation 4.3mm Wide x 10mm Long ( Platform Switch Engagement 3.5 ) 4mm x 10mm

XPS TRILOBE  Implant Fixation 4.3mm Wide x 10mm Long ( Platform Switch Engagement 3.5 )  4mm x 10mm
SKU: 115825 - ETD: Sold out - this item won't be restocked.

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XPS - Nobel Implant Fixation
# 115825
*    4.3 mm Wide x 10 mm long
*    Platform 3.5 mm
*    Engaging 2.7 mm
Titanium 4

RBM, or resorbable blast media, has been utilized for over 15 years in the dental implant industry.

Main Features:

*    Conical design
*    Self-Tapping
*    Micro-Thread on first millimeters
*    Compressive design for immediate load techniques
*    Polished first 2 millimeters is gentle with soft tissue
*    Platform switch
*    Double packaging similar to NR
*    Packaging Color Coded
*    3 diameters available  - 3.5 4.3 & 5.0
*    Multifunction Implant Holder/Carrier made in Titanium 2 , that works as a Carrier, Transfer and straight abutment 
*    Gamma Sterilized 

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