KEYSTONE Tecnoflask Muffle only mfg #1009200 -
SKU: 116598 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD
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Flask for Microwave
# 116598 - Mfg # 1009200

KEYSTONE Industries could not be more excited for a product that allows Diamond D® and other acrylics to be processed in much quicker time and easier fashion inside of a Microwave.
The TF-100 MUFFLE will give your laboratory a cleaner environment and make the process more enjoyable for the production of your work. Included with the KIT and available separately is the PL-100 protection plate, which extends the MUFFLE´s service life with extra needed protection.


* Acrylic material designed for use in Microwave
* Cannot be damaged by exertion of pressure
* Polymerization time shortened to four minutes
* Used in the making of total upper and lower dental prostheses
* No isolating material needed between the MUFFLE and the plaster
* Does not require a specific resin

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