YETI STAin HUMIDOR Humidity plate for stains #312-0001
YETI STAin HUMIDOR Humidity plate for stains #312-0001
SKU: 417029 - In stock
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YETIStain Humidor
Stain mixing trays
#417029 – Mfg#312-0001

With the further development of the Stain-Humidor you can treat the ceramic colours in the same way as the ceramic powder.
* unique capillary inlay with 15 hollows and 2 inserts
* automatically supply of the stains with glaze liquid
* the stains can be used for months
* mixed stains do not dry out
* colours are provided with exact liquid quantity while mixing unlike on the usual mixing plates
* Stain Humidor works as Ceramic Humidor without additional membrane
* transparent cover protects humidity plate against dust
* easy to clean with a steamer or an ultrasonic unit

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