DENTX- Single Case IFP Developer & Fixer - 4gal ( Conatins - 2 Gallons of Developer - 2 Gallons Fixer ) #9992604100 #999-2604-100 *** - Conatins: x2 Gallons of Developer - x2 Gallons Fixer

DENTX- Single Case IFP Developer & Fixer - 4gal ( Conatins - 2 Gallons of Developer - 2 Gallons Fixer ) #9992604100 #999-2604-100 *** - Conatins: x2 Gallons of Developer - x2 Gallons Fixer
SKU: 114288 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD 6-7 DAYS

Minimum quantity is 1.

Manufacturer #
4 gallons
2 Gallons
6-7 DAYS

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DENTX - Single Case IFP Developer & Fixer

# 114288 – Mfg # 9992604100

IFP Single Case Contains 4 One-Gallon Bottles - Ready to Use

Quality CHEMISTRY ensures clearer films and an efficiently running processor.
Dental offices have trusted Dent-X´s Excel Developer and Fixer for decades because it is the highest quality CHEMISTRY available.
To rise above the rest, Excel!

Excel CHEMISTRY Features:
* Superior Quality Ready-To-Use CHEMISTRY for FILM Processors
* Survey Rated as #1 FILM PROCESSING Developer and Fixer
* Environmentally Friendly, Non-Hazardous CHEMISTRY
* Cleaner Working FILM Processor
* Low Oxidation Rate Ensures a Longer Shelf Life
* Lower Replenishment Rate in the Processor
* Provides High FILM Output
* Superb Chelating Agents for Highest Quality Films
* Ready-To-Use, Concentrate and INSTANT FILM PROCESSING Agents
*Bottling & Distribution Facilities in California and New York
*Each Case Contains 4 GALLONS of CHEMISTRY
*Quarterly Developer and Fixer Specials

* x2 GALLONS of Developer
* x2 GALLONS of Fixer

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