PRO-LINE - Porcelain Bond Enhancer Silane 10ml By PRIME-DENT - 016-020

PRO-LINE  - Porcelain Bond Enhancer Silane 10ml By PRIME-DENT - 016-020
SKU: 016-020 - IN STOCK

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Manufacturer #
4 in Stock & Selling

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PRO-LINE - - PRIME-DENT - Porcelain Bond Silane Enhancer 10ml
Porcelain Bonding  ( Silane )
# 016-020 - Mfg # 016-020 

A Silane coupling agent that treats Porcelain to give stronger bonds typically used after the Porcelain surface has been etched with PRIME-DENT - Porcelain Etch Gel.

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