BESQUAL Porcelain Instrument with insterchangeable blades set ( 6 blades ) M146A #566-1461

BESQUAL Porcelain Instrument with insterchangeable blades set ( 6 blades ) M146A #566-1461 Inventory Blowout!
BESQUAL Porcelain Instrument with insterchangeable blades set ( 6 blades ) M146A #566-1461 BESQUAL Porcelain Instrument with insterchangeable blades set ( 6 blades ) M146A #566-1461
SKU: 118777 - In stock
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SHARK - Porcelain Instrument Set
Porcelain Instruments
# 118777 - Mfg # M146A

Porcelain Instrument with insterchangeable blades set

* Sculpt. Cut. Carve. Design. No other blades offer the ability
to create such intricate detail in a variety of sculpturing tasks.
With six different blades at your fingertips and handles created
for ultimate comfort, our system will be certain to meet the demands
of any ceramist.

* Quality = optimal performance. Perfect for any type of Porcelain task,
our 0.1mm blades are designed for optimal performance.
Their excellent elasticity makes them capable of great detail and ensures endurance. Our three handle types are available in aluminum
or polycarbonate.

* It's all about the right blade. With our system, you have all you need
for the results you want. Pick the best blade for each task.
Choose our mamelon cutter or select from our smooth, serrated or curved blades. With each, you can be sure you are getting superior quality
to achieve professional results.

* Change blades in a snap. With our Quick Change System, changing blades
has never been easier. Our interchangeable blades ensure that your time
is spent where it should be: designing your final product.
When you are finished, store your blade sets and handles in our brushed aluminum storage case.

Package: 6 blades



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