RENFERT - Picosep Isolation AgenT - 30ml- #1552-0030 #15520030 -Separador Yeso Die Lube

RENFERT -  Picosep Isolation AgenT - 30ml- #1552-0030 #15520030 -Separador Yeso Die Lube
RENFERT -  Picosep Isolation AgenT - 30ml- #1552-0030 #15520030 -Separador Yeso Die Lube RENFERT -  Picosep Isolation AgenT - 30ml- #1552-0030 #15520030 -Separador Yeso Die Lube RENFERT -  Picosep Isolation AgenT - 30ml- #1552-0030 #15520030 -Separador Yeso Die Lube RENFERT -  Picosep Isolation AgenT - 30ml- #1552-0030 #15520030 -Separador Yeso Die Lube RENFERT -  Picosep Isolation AgenT - 30ml- #1552-0030 #15520030 -Separador Yeso Die Lube
SKU: 023-1552-0030 - 1-2 day drop shipped from Manufacturer

Minimum quantity is 1.

Manufacturer #

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RENFERT Picosep 30ML
Die Lubes
# 023-1552-0030 - Mfg # 15520030

Function & Performance
* Thin - silicone based isolating agent - specially developed for wax-dipping techniques.

* Microfilm isolates plaster from wax or Porcelain.
* A thin layer is effective for days; no reapplication required.
* Isolates the plaster, acrylic and metal surfaces to permit wax application.

Key functions
* 2 in 1: Micro film isolates plaster against wax and Porcelain
* Very thin application is sufficient, therefore very economical to use
* Layer build-up only 100th of a millimetre, prevents falsification of the surface

Scope of Delivery
* Picosep, 30 Ml ( 1.02 Fl.Oz. )


3-YEAR WARRANTY All RENFERT Laboratory devices have a three year guarantee. * If at some point something does not function, you still have the comforting assurance that RENFERT will find a solution to the problem under the guarantee.

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