Novacryl - Acrylic Tooth Self Curing 100grs Powder color 66 New Stetic. Acrilico Diente Autocurado Novacril

Novacryl - Acrylic Tooth Self Curing 100grs Powder  color 66 New Stetic. Acrilico Diente Autocurado Novacril
SKU: 109003 - IN STOCK
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NEW STETIC - NOVACRYL - ACRYLIC TOOTH SELF Curing 125gr color 66 New Stetic.

# 109003

Product Overview:
Methacrylate polymers have been popular in dentistry because it is easily processed using relatively simple techniques, they have the ability to provide essential properties and features necessary for use in oral restoration.
Heat-NOVACRYL ACRYLIC RESIN is used to make temporary restorations, crowns and bridges, these ACRYLIC resins thermal energy required to polymerize using a water bath
A thermally insulated. Advantages such as dimensional stability, features handling, color and compatibility with the oral tissues.

Uses And Applications:
* Heat-NOVACRYL polymer, composition of ACRYLIC resins heat-curing ( polymer and monomer ) are indicated for the preparation temporary restorations.

Its features are:
* The heat-curing ACRYLIC have the ability to be molded into complex shapes with the application of heat and pressure, which is resins required dental use.
* Provides essential capabilities and features needed for use in the oral cavity.
* Easy to handle.
* Show sufficient translucency to confer the natural appearance of the oral tissues  emplaced.
* No show changes in color or pigmentation over time and even subjected to body temperatures.

Weight: 125gr

Color:  66

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