IMAGINATION Muffle-for IMAGE XPRESS - 220volts - Quartz Original Jelrus If your Furnace uses a Quartz mugffle- a non Quartz muffle will not work .

IMAGINATION Muffle-for IMAGE XPRESS - 220volts - Quartz Original Jelrus If your Furnace uses a Quartz mugffle- a non Quartz muffle will not work .
SKU: 119569 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD 6-7 DAYS

Minimum quantity is 1.

Replacement parts are very specific.
There are no substitutes for specific parts.
Manufacturer #
6-7 DAYS
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IMAGINTAION - Muffle XPRESS - 220 Volts
MUFFLES for Porcelain OVENS
# 119569

Quartz Original Jelrus If your Furnace uses a Quartz mugffle- a non Quartz muffle will not work.

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