METAPASTE - Calcium Hydroxide with Barium
Sulfate 2.2gr
Filling Material 4 Root Canal
# 107677 - Mfg # RR-107677
* R (Calcium
Hydroxide with BariumSulfate)Ç
* Root Canal Filling Material with Excellent Radiopacity
* Apexification
* Temporary Root Canal Filling
* Internal & external Root resorption
* Pulp capping and pulpotomy
* Leaking Canal
* Easy cleaning and removing with good water solubility
* Excellent antibacterial effect and radiopacity
* Premixed paste Syringe type for easy delivery of the paste into the Canal
* Disposable tips for prevention of cross-contamination
Dimension: 228 × 61 × 22 (mm)
Weight: 83g
Shelf Life:
Two years from the production date.
* 2.2g paste in a syringe
* 20 pre-bent disposable plastic tips
* One ring rotator for direction control of the tip
Quantity: 1 kit per box