COLUMBUS #M-560 IVORINE MODEL Articulated Hard Gingiva Dentoform with Removable Numbered Ivorine Teeth- Inclined Curve of Spee ( Student working Model ) Typhodont -

COLUMBUS #M-560 IVORINE MODEL Articulated Hard Gingiva Dentoform with Removable Numbered Ivorine Teeth- Inclined Curve of Spee ( Student working Model ) Typhodont -
SKU: 112514 - IN STOCK

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ECCO- M-560 Articulated Hard Gingiva Dentoform with Removable Numbered Ivorine Teeth

Inclined Curve of Spee ( Student Model )
Our RIGID MODEL is an excellent example of natural dentition and can be very
useful for demonstration of occlusion. It can be used to show flossing technique since
the teeth move slightly. The natural epoxy tooth material is excellent for orthodontic
bracket bonding.


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