#44L HANDLER Lower Denture Flask 4in x 3.75in x 2.25in - Lower flask is constructed the same as the uppr flsk but with a slanted heel section to accommodate cases with high condyles - It is Taper rear guide pins smooth interior and special bronze alloy provides ease of function during flaskking and de-flasking operations - Shipping weight 3lb

#44L HANDLER Lower Denture Flask 4in x 3.75in x 2.25in - Lower flask is constructed the same as the uppr flsk but with a slanted heel section to accommodate cases with high condyles - It is Taper   rear guide pins smooth interior and special bronze alloy provides ease of function during flaskking and de-flasking operations - Shipping weight 3lb
SKU: 103366 - IN STOCK

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HANDLER - Atlas Flask
Denture Flasks
# 103366 - Mfg # 44

* This LOWER Flask is forged of special alloy bronze to provide years of durable service, with a slanted heel section to accommodate cases with high condyles.
* Its Taper rear guide pins, smooth interior and special bronze alloy provide ease of fuction during flasking and de-flasking operations.

Shipping Weight: 3 Lbs. - (1.4 Kg)

Unit Dimensions: 4" L x 3 3/4" W x 2 1/4" H ( 10 cm x 10 cm x 6 cm

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