BEGO Kombi Duplicating Flask for partial denture technique - #52090 - Kombi duplicating flask with wedge top- base and 2 base formers (2 sizes). #52090

BEGO Kombi Duplicating Flask for partial denture technique - #52090 - Kombi duplicating flask with wedge top- base and 2 base formers (2 sizes). #52090
SKU: 10-52090 - 1-2 day drop shipped from Manufacturer

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BEGO - Kombi Duplicating Flask for Partial denture Technique
Duplicating Flasks
# 10-52090 - Mfg # 52090

* The low thermal conductivity of the plastic guarantees stress-free cooling of the Duplicating material.
*  Two wedges integrated in the flask cover prevent rotation and ensure proper placement of the form back in the flask.
* 1 Kombi Duplicating flask with wedge top- base
* 2 base formers (2 sizes).

AUthorized BEGO dealer in US.

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