J MORITA - Multi Spray Handpiece Lubricant (420ml) - # 24-5010201
J MORITA - Multi Spray Handpiece Lubricant (420ml) - # 24-5010201
SKU: 437272 - IN STOCK

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🗹 Helps ensure a long service of instruments
🗹 Environmentally friendly propellant
🗹 Practical, re-usable Spray adapters
🗹 May be used with the Lubrina 2 Handpiece Maintenance unit
J MORITA - Multi Spray Handpiece Lubricant (420ml)
Morita Multi Spray features an environmentally-friendly propellant to help ensure a long service life of your instruments. It may be used for regular maintenance and lubrication of your ball bearing handpieces, air scalers, air motors, and toothed-gear instruments.
Multi Spray is highly recommended for Morita’s TwinPower Turbine handpieces. Other lubricants could cause TwinPower to malfunction, make it difficult to connect/disconnect, or adversely affect braking time.
Additionally, Multi Spray is recommended for Air Torx air motor, TorqTech attachments, as well as the Tri Auto ZX2 endodontic handpiece.
Ordering Information
Product Number
Multi Spray (420ml) (Order no. 24-5010201)
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