ZHERMACK Indurent LAB, NEW catalyst for Zetalabor and Titanium condensation silicones. Putty

ZHERMACK Indurent LAB, NEW catalyst for Zetalabor and Titanium condensation silicones. Putty
SKU: 470855 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD 6-7 DAYS
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6-7 DAYS

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ZHERMACK Indurent Lab, NEW CATALYST for Zetalabor and Titanium condensation silicones #C100900 replace the old #C100700

We now have a NEW specific CATALYST for C-Silicone laboratory Putty
for laboratory technicians,
Indurent Lab.
Indurent Gel was a general CATALYST for both our Lab and Clinical Putty’s. Indurent Lab is a
Lab ONLY CATALYST. In creating this new product, we took the opportunity to make some
enhancements to the new Indurent Lab. Using this new CATALYST will provide you:
• Higher Heat Resistance - making it ideal for flasking with heat-curing resins.
• Higher Dimensional Stability - Making your mask stable for up to 7 days
You will not notice any change from what you have come to expect from the Indurent Gel in
the past. The new enhancements will create a better working experience for your Zetelabor
& Titanuim Putty. Please note that Indurent Gel will no longer be available, and Indurent
Lab will be your new CATALYST. Also, it is important to note that the new Indurent Lab is NOT
biocompatible and cannot be used for any clinical putties used directly in the patient’s mouth.

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