MPF BRUSH Glass Palette Absorption Strips- 4pk Mfg.#115-0001 1150001 MPF BRUSH -FOR Marble Ceramic Palette Mfg.#115-1000 - #MPF BRUSH co

MPF BRUSH Glass Palette Absorption Strips- 4pk  Mfg.#115-0001 1150001 MPF BRUSH -FOR Marble Ceramic Palette Mfg.#115-1000 -  #MPF BRUSH co
MPF BRUSH Glass Palette Absorption Strips- 4pk  Mfg.#115-0001 1150001 MPF BRUSH -FOR Marble Ceramic Palette Mfg.#115-1000 -  #MPF BRUSH co MPF BRUSH Glass Palette Absorption Strips- 4pk  Mfg.#115-0001 1150001 MPF BRUSH -FOR Marble Ceramic Palette Mfg.#115-1000 -  #MPF BRUSH co
SKU: 116530 - In stock
You save: $25.26 (61%)

Minimum quantity is 1.

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MPF Brush Co - GLASS Palette Absorption Strips- 4/pk
MPF Palettes & trays
# 116530 - Mfg # 115-0001

MPF Brushes features :
Uses a system of synthetic leather strips to keep CERAMIC mix continuously WET.
Water from the base permeates up through the strips and into the CERAMIC stack, creating a homogenous CERAMIC mix.

Package: 4 pieces per pack

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