GC G-CEM ONE™ Single Refill AO3 (1 Syringe AO3 (4.6 g) + 8 GC Automix Tips Regular + 2 GC Automix Tip Endo) #013675

GC G-CEM ONE™ Single Refill AO3 (1 Syringe AO3 (4.6 g) + 8 GC Automix Tips Regular + 2 GC Automix Tip Endo) #013675
SKU: 421654 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD 10 DAYS

Minimum quantity is 1.

Manufacturer #
G-Cem LinkAce
Luting Cements
LC Light Cured

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G-Cem ONE™

G-Cem ONE™ the new Self-adhesive resin cement from GC simplifies all cementation procedures. G-Cem ONE™ brings together high bond strength, effortless clean-up and long-lasting esthetics as well as an excellent Self-curing ability for a wide range of indications in ONE product solution.

G-Cem ONE™ is a truly universal, non-technique sensitive, versatile and reliable product that gives the flexibility of being effective in all cementation procedures for any type of restorations; from metal-based to resin and all-ceramic inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, and posts.​ It demonstrates excellent bond strength to enamel, dentin and all indirect restorations.

In addition, the optional Adhesive Enhancing Primer (AEP) and its innovative GC Touch Cure feature provides optimal bond strength in challenging clinical situations, such as low retentive surfaces. The chemical initiator in the AEP accelerates the chemical Cure of the cement to ensure optimal bonding. The AEP is easy to apply; no additional light-curing is needed – apply and air-dry.

• Cementation of all types of all ceramic, resin and metal-based inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges.
• Cementation of metal, ceramic, fiber posts, and cast post and cores.
• Cementation of all ceramic and composite veneers.
• Final cementation of crowns and bridges on implant abutments.

Item NumberDescription
013670G-Cem ONE™ Starter Kit A2
Contains: 1 Syringe A2 (4.6 g) + 8 GC Automix Tips Regular + 2 GC Automix Tip Endo + 1 G-Cem ONE™ ADHESIVE ENHANCING PRIMER 2 mL)
013671G-Cem ONE™ Starter Kit Translucent
Contains: 1 Syringe Translucent (4.6 g) + 8 GC Automix Tips Regular + 2 GC Automix Tip Endo + 1 G-Cem ONE™ ADHESIVE ENHANCING PRIMER (2 mL)
013672G-Cem ONE™ System Kit
Contains: 1 Syringe Translucent (4.6 g) + 1 Syringe A2 (4.6 g) + 15 GC Automix Tips Regular + 5 GC Automix Tip Endo + 1 bottle of G-Cem ONE™ ADHESIVE ENHANCING PRIMER (4 mL) + 1 bottle of G-Multi PRIMER (4 mL)
013673G-Cem ONE™ Twin Refill A2
Contains: 2 Syringes A2 (4.6 g each) + 15 GC Automix Tips Regular + 5 GC Automix Tip Endo
013674G-Cem ONE™ Twin Refill Translucent
Contains: 2 Syringes Translucent (4.6 g each) + 15 GC Automix Tips Regular + 5 GC Automix Tip Endo
013675G-Cem ONE™ Single Refill AO3
Contains: 1 Syringe AO3 (4.6 g) + 8 GC Automix Tips Regular + 2 GC Automix Tip Endo
013676G-Cem ONE™ Single Refill White Opaque
Contains: 1 Syringe White Opaque (4.6 g) + 8 GC Automix Tips Regular + 2 GC Automix Tip Endo
Contains: 1 bottle of G-Cem ONE™ ADHESIVE ENHANCING PRIMER (4 mL).
009553G-Multi PRIMER™
Contains: One bottle (5 mL).
002902GC Automix Tips Regular
Contains: Twenty regular automix tips (Also compatible with G-Cem LinkForce®)
002903GC Automix Tips for Endo
Contains: Ten endo automix tips (Also compatible with G-Cem LinkForce®)

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