GC G-Cem A2 Capsules, Self-Adhesive Resin Luting Cement, Box of 50 - 0.17 mL - #002584

GC G-Cem A2 Capsules, Self-Adhesive Resin Luting Cement, Box of 50 - 0.17 mL - #002584
SKU: 421457 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD 6-7 DAYS

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Manufacturer #
G-Cem Capsules
Luting Cements
6-7 DAYS

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GC G-Cem A2 Capsules, Self-Adhesive Resin Luting Cement, Box of 50 - 0.17 mL - #002584


G-Cem® helps to eliminate sensitivity, whether the prep is moist or dry. This natural complement to the tooth surface means you will be able to quickly and efficiently handle a variety of restorations with better results, which generates an increase in pleased patients.

G-Cem® has the highest fluoride release capabilities of any Self-adhesive resin cement. Its unique hydrophilic chemistry provides a strong seal to all surfaces of the teeth for superb patient comfort. 

G-Cem® is indicated for cementation of metal, ceramic, fiber posts, cast posts and cores. As well as all types of ceramic, resin, metal-based inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges. For metal, fiberglass and ceramic posts, attach a GC Elongation Tip to the G-Cem® Capsule (GC Elongation Tips allow for closer access to the work area).

Chemical and micromechanical bonding to the enamel, dentin, and restoration surface produces enormous bond strength with a fast set time and reliable results; has the highest bond strength to Zirconia (Zr) Restorations.


-Has the lowest linear expansion of any Self-adhesive resin cement

-The one step application that sits quickly and cleans up easily

-Low water uptake and reduces the chance of stain uptake for better color stability and resistance to external stains

-A no-compromise result with excellent adhesion that permanently stays in place, whether light-cured or Self-cured

-Strong dual-Cure chemistry


-Powerful adhesive strength

-No risk of post-op sensitivity

-Durability and dimensional stability

-High aesthetic quality and color stability


-A box of 50 Capsules (volume per capsule: 0.17 mL).

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