FGM - OPUS BULK FILL CAPS A2 x 0,2GR LOW FLOW Composite - # 4000021382
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FGM - OPUSBULKFILLCAPSA2 x 0,2GR - # 4000021382
OPUSBULKFILL Flow APS in capsules is a unique insertion composite with ideal viscosity and anti-gravity effect, used as a base or dentin substitute in posterior teeth. It offers self-leveling capability, anti-gravity action, spherical loading and BULKFILL technology that allows each increment to be worked up to 4 mm thick. It requires coating with a layer of restorative resin (BULKFILL or not), which can be dentin and enamel or unichromatic.
The OPUS line of composite resins allows you to optimize the clinical time of direct restorations with maximum safety and quality. Regular or fluid viscosity resins are perfect for extensive restorations on posterior teeth.
They offer greater opacity thanks to the APS system, longer working time and are available in three colours A1, A2 and A3. These resins have intelligent viscosity, self-leveling rheological effect and anti-gravity, are indicated as a base for restorations and offer time savings in the clinic.