FGM - AMBAR UNIVERSAL 5 ml 7th ( New 8th ) generation - # 4000019361 ( Adheres to Enamel, Dentine, Metal, Acrylic, Composite Hybrids )

FGM - AMBAR UNIVERSAL 5 ml 7th ( New 8th )  generation - # 4000019361  ( Adheres to Enamel, Dentine, Metal, Acrylic, Composite Hybrids )
SKU: 476765 - IN STOCK
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Manufacturer #
8th Gen

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Self-etching light-curing adhesive system for enamel and dentin.
UNIVERSAL Adhesive (use under different acid etching protocols and on different surfaces);
• Minimizes post-operative sensitivity;
APS system: Excellent performance at any moisture level of dentin;
• Perfect for intracanal application.
🗸 High adhesion in different forms of application:

Self-etching, selective-etching on enamel or total-etching.
🗸 Perfect for intracanal application:

High adhesion rates in the intracanal region;• Better polymerization even in the apical region;• Greater compatibility with dual cements.
🗸 BPA-free:

Ensures safety and health.
🗸 Adhesion to different types of surface:

Metals, ceramics, CAD/CAM composite and intracanal posts.
🗸 Enhanced MDP:

In AMBAR UNIVERSAL APS, the MDP is more reactive, which has been achieved by redistributing the concentrations between solvents, water and acidic monomers. This higher reactivity increases the adhesive capacity to dentin (mainly without previous acid etching) and indirect substrates, besides providing adhesive film stability.
🗸 Colorless aspect:

Does not interfere on the esthetics of restorations and cementations.
🗸 All classes of direct restorations with composites (classes I, II, III, IV and V).
🗸 Adhesive repairs in ceramics and composites.
🗸 Adhesive cementation (together with resin cement) of prosthetic pieces (intraradicular posts/cores, crowns, onlays/inlays, veneers etc.), fiberglass, ceromer, ceramic, composite and metal.
🗸 As a primer for metal or ceramic (etching or non-etching).
Commercial Availability
Packaging containing
• 1 bottle with 5ml of adhesive.
Step by step
Total-etching method:
The surface to be restored must be cleaned and then etched with phosphoric acid at 37% Condac 37 (FGM) for 15 seconds (same time for enamel and dentin). It is important to isolate the tooth, whether with complete or relative isolation (depending on the case).
Rinse the surface with abundant water and dry the cavity until it is moist, not dehydrated.
With a micro-applicator Cavibrush (FGM), apply the adhesive rubbing the first drop of the product for 10 seconds. Next, apply a new layer of adhesive to the same surface for other 10 seconds.
Apply an air jet for 10 seconds, which helps to evaporate the solvent and, consequently, to increase adhesion.
The adhesive must be light-cured for 10 seconds, then perform restoration. Note: for intracanal adhesive application, the photoactivation time must be extended to 20 seconds.
Selective-etching method:
The surface to be restored must be cleaned and then etched with phosphoric acid at 37% Condac 37 (FGM) for 15 seconds (same time for enamel and dentin). It is important to isolate the tooth, whether with complete or relative isolation (depending on the case).
Lave a superfície com água e seque a cavidade até que esteja úmida, não desidratada.
Rinse the surface with abundant water and dry the cavity until it is moist, not dehydrated.
Apply the adhesive to the tooth surface using a Cavibrush (FGM) micro-applicator. The first layer must be vigorously applied rubbing the micro-applicator in the surface for 10 seconds. Next, apply a new adhesive layer over the same surface for other 10 seconds. Then, apply air jet for 10 seconds, helping to evaporate the solvent and increase adhesion.
The adhesive must be light-cured for 10 seconds, then perform restoration. Note: for intracanal adhesive application, the photoactivation time must be extended to 20 seconds.
Com auxílio de um microaplicador Cavibrush (FGM), o adesivo é aplicado na superfície dental, esfregando a primeira gota do produto por 10 segundos. Em seguida, nova camada de adesivo é aplicada na mesma superfície por mais 10 segundos. Aplica-se então, jato de ar por 10 segundos, o que contribui para evaporação do solvente e, consequentemente, para o aumento da adesão.
O adesivo deve ser fotopolimerizado por 10 segundos e então, procede-se a restauração. Obs: em aplicação intracanal do adesivo, o tempo de fotoativação deve ser estendido para 20 segundos.
Deve-se condicionar a superfície interna da peça com ácido fluorídrico (Condac Porcelana- FGM) e aplicar o agente silano (Prosil- FGM) antes da aplicação do adesivo na peça. Com auxílio de um microaplicador descartável (Cavibrush - FGM), aplique o adesivo na superfície interna da peça sob fricção, aguarde 15 segundos e então aplique um leve jato de ar durante 10 segundos.
Scientific evidence
We provide direct links to publications from major scientific portals containing studies conducted with our products.

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