FGM - Allcem Veneer Trans APS - syringe 2,5g - # 4000019289 - Dual Cement

FGM - Allcem Veneer Trans APS -  syringe 2,5g - # 4000019289  - Dual Cement
SKU: 476756 - In stock
You save: $2.22 (6%)

Minimum quantity is 1.

Manufacturer #
Luting Cements
Dual Cured

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FGM - Allcem Veneer Trans APSsyringe 2,5g - # 4000019289


The cement should be used in conjunction with Condac 37 acid enamel and dentin conditioner and Ambar APS adhesive system for the treatment of the dental substrate. Condac Porcelain 5% or 10% acid conditioner and Prosil silane should be used on the inner surface of the prosthetic piece.


* The acronym APS (Advanced Polymerization System) indicates the incorporation of the exclusive polymerization system developed by FGM, which consists of a combination of different photoinitiators that interact with each other and allow to amplify the polymerization capacity arising from the light emitted by the light-curing devices. Added to different materials, the system provides different advantages.

In the case of Allcem Veneer cement, the main benefit of APS is the fact that it reduces or eliminates the visual change of color and opacity of the cement before/after light curing, which increases the predictability of the aesthetic result of cementation. Another factor is that, although it has a very low concentration of Camphorquinone – which has a very strong yellow color – it is a system with very high polymerization power, providing a higher degree of conversion and greater depth of curing, which ensures optimal polymerization of the resin cement even under the Veneer. The APS system is activated with any LED curing light on the market, even those with lower power and narrow wavelength

* Light-curing

* Color stability

* Variety and simplicity of colors

* Excellent mechanical properties

* Excellent viscosity (thixotropy)

* Radiopacity

* Color change before and after light curing visually


-1 syringe with 2.5g - Trans  APS
-5 tips

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