Product Information
Exajet™ is a heavy body Vinyl Polysiloxane (VPS) IMPRESSION material that is designed for automated, dynamic mixing machines. Exajet™ is available in both "Normal" and "Fast" Set formulas. The cartridge installs in the mixing machine in the normal manner and operates the standard dynamic mixing tip.
Exajet™ is completely compatible with the respective EXA Advanced™ viscosities. Exajet™ offers the same EXA handling, accuracy, thixotropicity, elastic recovery, stackability, compression and pourability properties to machine mix IMPRESSION users like EXA Advanced™ offer cartridge users.
Why choose Exajet™?
Normal set: two minutes working time, four minutes setting time (minimum three minutes in the mouth)
Fast set: one minute 30 seconds working time, three minute 15 seconds setting time (minimum two minutes 30 seconds in the mouth)
Unsurpassed dimensional stability
No-slumping - the heavy body remains in place while loading both sides of the dual arch trays and stabilizes tray to prevent distortion and rebound
Great compression pushes the wash material into the sulcus
No taste or odor - preferred by patients over polyethers or rubber base MATERIALS