ECCO - Empty Aluminum Cartridge with Cap included x100 - Medium size - 25.4mm/1in Diameter For Flexible Injection Machines:

ECCO - Empty Aluminum Cartridge with Cap included x100 - Medium size - 25.4mm/1in Diameter For Flexible Injection Machines:
SKU: 200149 - IN STOCK
You save: $36.17 (19%)

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Empty alumin CANS for flexible materials and thermoplastic acrylics*Compatible with Valpast, Duracetal, Flexite, TCS, CFS, etc

Older Flexite Injection System:
(1 + 3/32 Inch Diameter) Small (1.5 Inches), Medium (2.5 Inches), Large (3.5 Inches), Extra- Large (4.5 Inches)
New Flexite Model F-3 Injection System, Valplast, Inductor KFT, TCS, and

Dentsply-FRS Injection System,  GFM and CFS system:
(1 Inch Diameter)

Small (1.75 Inches),

Medium (2.75 Inches) 70mm

Large (4 Inches), 98mm

Extra Large (4.75 Inches) 115mm

Dental D, Pressing J-100 & J-200, Flexiplast & Polypress Injection Systems:
(21.7 mm Diameter)9 Gram-Small (2 inches), 16 Gram-Medium (3.5 Inches), 20 Gram-Large (4.5 Inches)

Powder  Management:
Humididy must be taken away from the powder, not from the cartridge.
All carttridges must be dried before making the 2 hours at 70 C 158 F  (Thi is the most conservative)

(Can be done in a regular horizontal small oven/toaster)

If cartridge explodes, or opens before it takes  the complete holding time, it is because of the stocking conditions of the cartridge.
Their is only one solution for this; open the cartridge, dry the powder and make a new cartrige.

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