ZHERMACK Elite Rock 55lb Carton Eco Pack Sandy BROWN - Z#C410200 - TYPE-4 -
SKU: 118555 - Ordered from Manufacturer - ETD 9-10 DAYS
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Manufacturer #
Elite Rock
9-10 DAYS

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TYPE 4 extra hard dental Die Stone for fixed prostheses

* Production of models and removable dies in fixed and removable prostheses

* High mechanical characteristics
* Thixotropic
* Accurate reproduction of detail
* Available in five different colours: Sandy Brown, Light Amber, Silver Grey, Cream and White

* Simplified mixing and balanced thixotropy for easier model production
* High compressive strength
* reduced abrasion and higher precision of model
* The silver grey colour is optimised for detection by modern laser and optical scanners
* Low expansion, even after 48 hours

Technical Data:
* Water/powder ratio -  20 ml / 100 g
* Mixing time ( manual ) - 1:00 min
* Mixing time ( vacuum ) - 0:30 min
* Working time - 12:00 min
* Setting time ( VICAT ) - 14:00 min
* Removal time - 45:00 min
* Setting expansion 2 hrs - 0.08 %
* Setting expansion 48 hrs - 0.19 %
* Compressive strength 1 hr - 52 MPa ( 530 kg/cm2 )
* Compressive strength 48 hr - 81 MPa ( 826 kg/cm2 )

Code Name

118542 ELITE ROCK  6.6 lb Bag   Sandy

118543 ELITE ROCK  6.6 lb Bag  Brown

118555 ELITE ROCK  55 lb Carton  Eco

118556 ELITE ROCK  55 lb Carton  Eco

118557 ELITE ROCK  55 lb Carton  Eco

118558 ELITE ROCK  55 lb Carton  Eco

118560 ELITE ROCK FAST  55 lb Carton

118561 ELITE ROCK FAST  55 lb Carton

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