SELECT - Diamond Disc Guards 7/8 protects mouth from spinning diamonds discs 22mm. Use with handpiece too - Each #109-1306

SELECT - Diamond Disc Guards 7/8 protects mouth from spinning diamonds discs  22mm. Use with handpiece too - Each #109-1306
SKU: 123048 - IN STOCK

Minimum quantity is 1.

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SELECT - Diamond Disc Guards 7/8
Stripping Tools # 123048 - Mfg # 109-1306

Get peace of mind with this invaluable tool by providing the safest
possible working environment for your patients. Crafted from stainless
steel, the Diamond Disc Guard protects the mouth from spinning Diamond
Discs. Fits all 7/8″ ( 22mm )  diamond discs, for use on doriot style handpieces or Regular Straight nose Handpiece NSK .

Suggested Handpiece item 101448 

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