MPF BRUSH Classic Kolinsky Ceramic Contour Brush Mfg #105-0011 1050011 - # ( handle BLUE or BLACK may vary )

MPF BRUSH Classic Kolinsky Ceramic Contour Brush Mfg #105-0011 1050011 - # ( handle BLUE or BLACK may  vary )
SKU: 122975 - IN STOCK
You save: $0.24 (0%)

Minimum quantity is 1.

Manufacturer #
Classic Kolinsky

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MPF Brush Co - CLASSIC KOLINSKY Ceramic Contour Brush
# 122975 - Mfg # 105-0011

MPF BRUSHES features :
CLASSIC KOLINSKY BRUSHES MPF Brush Co. are produced using the highest quality KOLINSKY hair.
Inside these Brush heads are several metallic beads, which act as a condenser when shaken.
This action sends the moisture trapped within the Brush head, directly to the Brush tip, giving a very sharp point to work with.
The handles are made from wood, varnished in a matt blue colour.

Quantity: 1 piece

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