DEFEND - T-Mix Crown & Bridge Mixing Tips- 1:1- BLUE/ WHITE- 25/bg # VP-8111T - VP-8111T

DEFEND - T-Mix Crown & Bridge Mixing Tips- 1:1- BLUE/ WHITE- 25/bg # VP-8111T - VP-8111T Inventory Blowout!
SKU: 401807 - In stock
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DEFEND - T-Mix Crown & Bridge Mixing Tips 1:1
Mixing Tips & Organizers
# 401807 - Mfg # VP-8111T

The dispensing gun is used to extrude impression materials and bite registration materials from cartridges. It consists of a release lever and a plunger, which are coordinated simultaneously to load and remove the cartridge. The gun also consists of a trigger to dispense the material. Works with 1 to 1 and 2 to 1 cartridges. Available in two styles for HP cartridges and old style cartridges.

Package Quantity: 25/ Bg

Size: 1:1 Ratio

Colours: Blue/ White

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