Product name
Mixing Chambers for Basic 25-70 µm
Mixing Chamber for Basic, 70-250 µm
Filter set for all Basic 25-70 µm
Filter cartridge
Filter set for all Basic 70-500 µm
Oil atomizer Basic mobil compl.
Manometer with marking
Ball valveBASIC mobil compl.
Pneumatic foot switch
HARDWARE FOR Basic mobil
O-ring DIN 3771 82x4 NBR 55
Suppl. tank 25-70µm Basic 2944 L / 2954 R
Suppl. tank 70-250µm Basic 2944 L / 2954 R
Repl.Tank case with lid new Basic
Lid f.replacement tank Basic 25-500µm
IT blasting hose incl. handpiece 70-500 µm
IT blasting hose incl. handpiece 25-70 µm
IT blasting hose incl. handpiece 25-70 µm
IT blasting hose incl. handpiece 25-70 µm
IT blasting hose incl. handpiece 70-500 µm
IT blasting hose incl. handpiece 70-500 µm
IT blasting hose incl. handpiece 70-500 µm