ECCO - Conector 2 & 3 Holes for Borden hose Handpiece - ( coupling connector ) #ZACOP-B ( CX111) - P-1019 - This is not an adaptor - this is the tip of the hose & connects the hose to the handpiece

ECCO - Conector 2 & 3 Holes for Borden hose Handpiece - ( coupling connector ) #ZACOP-B ( CX111) - P-1019 - This is not an adaptor - this is the tip of the hose & connects the hose to the handpiece
SKU: 103820 - IN STOCK

Minimum quantity is 1.

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ECCO - Conector 2 Holes for BORDEN hose Handpiece
Couplings for handpieces
# 103820   Mfg # ZACOP-B

* Coupling connector
* This is not an adaptor
* This is the tip of the hose & conects the hose to the handpiece  

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