If you find out an issue with your item BEFORE 48 hours of received, contact immediately our CUSTOMER SERVICE +1 954 874 6325 and talk to a Manager 
AFTER 48 hours , warranties are provided direct from the manufacturer. Contact the manufacturer with your invoice
If you need Special support talking to the manufacturer (they don't understand the issue, you don't speak English or you need support with the shipping process)
You can always START the conversation opening a formal CUSTOMER SERVICE TICKET with US DENTAL DEPOT, and we will fairly vouch for you with the manufacturer (specially if you are an international customer) 
Remember always have your claim documented in the best possible way (Pictures & Videos)
For all domestic vendors / Manufacturers, you can call directly to their CUSTOMER SERVICE #. or We can call for you explaining the situation.
They might request back the unit, send a replacement or provide instructions to us so we take care of the replacement and deal with them afterwards. It depends on the manufacturer
Manufacturer provides the Warranty policy.
US Dental depot will receive the units and have them checked by our tech at no cost. We will intercede with the factory claiming the correct parts. Shipping costs to our warehouse are paid by customer, and return shipping cost are paid by Us Dental Depot (If the problem was on the device) 
Minor repairs will be fixed with out contacting the factory FREE OF CHARGE as a courtesy
Mayor issues and or accidents (like dropping the unit) either during shipping or accident at customers location, will be processed at Us Dental Depot , but with Manufacturer's instructions.
If any cost should be added, we will ask for your authorization to proceed and invoice you before the repair is done.
Warranties are for REPAIR or EXCHANGE the faulty items. RETURNS for full refund are not accepted unless the unit meets the requirements to be declared a Lemmon. In this case you will be able to receive either a full REFUND or EXCHANGE the unit for an un-opened one.
Generic & compatible parts have 3 months warranty
House brand products, Warranty terms are explained on each product 
This is a brief description of how the Dental Industry is managing warranties in large equipment
Some manufacturers, when you register your product will offer you an Insurance / Service Plan. A "Peace of Mind" all included offer.
If your claim is about the INSTALLATION we provided, we will send out tech that day and it is FREE of charge for you.
If the claim is over the equipment not functioning properly, and you prefer to NOT CALL the manufacturer: we can always call them for you, or send a Technician at a very low cost per visit.
Normally they will cover manufacturing defects on PARTS, for a certain period of time. (1 year 2 years etc.) And most of the times FREE TECH CUSTOMER SUPPORT (remote) is offered.
90% of the cases will be resolved with a remote session via WhatsApp / Face Time / Team Viewer / Meets. They will walk you through the issue.
7% of the cases a part will be need to be taken off and replaced. They will walk you through the steps, and if necessary they will provide a Step by Step Video with "how to change the broken part"
The part will be shipped to you, most of the times with shipping included (Free Shipping). This depends on the manufacturer.
2% of the cases a Technician on site will be needed . Some manufacturers will cover the tech cost, other will stand by the PARTS INCLUDED, LABOR NOT
In any case, if you need a tech at a very reasonable cost, we will provide and work with the manufacturer along all the process.