SS White Dental Products

SS White Dental Products

The SS White dental products you’ll find on the US Dental Depot website are perfect for dental practices of all sizes. The reason is that every practice, no matter how large or small it may be, has patients who want conservative, minimally invasive procedures. SS White instruments are precision engineered to help you provide them. 

Increasing Patient Satisfaction Exponentially

Whether you are performing endodontic or operative procedures, SS White dental products can help you preserve as much of a patient’s healthy tooth structure as possible. This not only helps promote a more positive patient outcome, it also promotes a higher level of restorative resort. This, of course, leads to restorations that last longer.

These are just a few of the areas where dentists commonly use products from SS White.

  • Class I restoration – SS White’s Fissurotomy 557 carbide burs help create the retentive grooves needed for amalgam, removing far less toot structure than comparable products. These minimally invasive burs are perfect for not only caries preparation, but also exploration. Fissurotomy burs can help teeth last significantly longer, limiting the forces and surface area of chewing while preserving a substantial amount of healthy tissue.
  • Composite repair – The Fissurotomy burs from SS White can also speed the painful, time-consuming process of removing old composite. They can reduce the need to cut healthy enamel and dentin. Not only do these burs provide a more efficient, less invasive method of removing decay and repairing composite, they can also make it possible to perform these procedures without the need for anesthesia.
  • Decay removal – SmartBurs are innovative instruments that allow a dentist to take out dentin that has decayed without causing harm to healthy dentin. The reason is that they’re harder than decayed dentin, yet softer than healthy dentin. If you’re looking for tools that help remove decay while increasing patient comfort, you should seriously consider SmartBurs.

Learn More About SS White Dental Products By Contacting US Depot

Our selection of SS White dental products is a small portion of the thousands of products you’ll find on the US Dental Depot website – and our professionals are experts in all of them. If you have any questions whatsoever, or you’d just like to learn more about us, contact us online or call +1 954-874-6325.

SS White Dental Products

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