Smile rewards appointment script
USDD :Hi this is amanda from us dental depot .. good morning
CUSTOMER: good morning
USDD: By the way thank you for taking my call today !
USDD: Have you heard of smile rewards? ( wisper )
CUSTOMER : no What is that?

USDD: Smile rewards ....That's why Im calling you....
USDD: Imagine this...
you get Special discounts on brands like GC, Aman Girrbach, Bego, keystone and a lot more!
Do you use those brands? daily, weekly or monthly?
USDD: WONDERFUL ! ( Repeat their answre here ) The reason for my call is smile rewards allows you multiple savings ( breathe ) if you spend an average of $800 a month. you get...
Points per dollar, which means cash back, ( breathe ) 60 day return window, and free shipping!
Which benefit sounds better for you ?
Earning points, 60 day return window, Free shipping, or Cash back?

CUSTOMER: answers

USDD : PERFECT ( repeat their answer here )
USDD : What I am proposing is a 2 minute meeting with our Smile Rewards Specialist .
USDD :Do you have time now ?

CUSTOMER: answers
USDD: What is better for you Today at 3pm or tomorrow morning at 8am?


USDD: While you are making the appointment, ask WHO ELSE other that yourself needs to see this to make a desicion ? Office manager, the doctor, or maybe the purchasing department?
CUSTOMER : No just me
USDD : Great !! are you the CEO, Owner, or the Manager ?
CUSTOMER : No I am the receptionist.... whatever they say is ok
USDD: PERFECT! you are the one in charge! ( give a complient ) and make the appointment on the Calendly link

you will need to get
Name , Last name
USDD : My intention is to get your office saving money with SMILE REWARDS today! if that does not happen will be my fault, not yours!
USDD : Is this appointment on your calendar?

USDD: Great so it's a real appointment! We can't wait for you to start saving with smile rewards. Unless there is Earthquake we will see you at ( appointment time )

Thank you again for taking the time to talk to me today ( name )