SDI - SeT PP Assorted Syringe Kit
Dual Luting Resin Cem.
# 401757 – Mfg # 8810002
SeT is a self-etching, self-adhesive, Resin cement designed for final cementation
of metal, Resin and all-ceramic and ceramic-based restoratives.
SeT is a self etching, self adhesive, Resin cement, designed for final
cementation of metal, Resin, all ceramic and ceramic based restoratives. seT
chemically bonds to tooth structure and all types of core material. seT is
available in capsules and a paste/paste automix syringe system (seT PP).
Fast and easy
SeT is an all in one Luting cement. It etches, bonds and fills with just the
one component. Simply apply seT and seat your restoration. seT produces a low
film thickness and fluidity to seat cemented restorations.
Does not require separate etching and washing. The smear layer remains intact
to protect the tooth. This dramatically reduces, if not eliminates,
post-operative sensitivity.
* Cementation of metal, Resin, all ceramic and ceramic based inlays, onlays^,
bridges and crowns.
* Cementation pins, posts and screws.
* Contains: 1 of each: A1, A2, OA3, white opaque, translucent; 7 g automix tip
syringes and 70 mixing tips