CAD/CAM Dental Milling in South Carolina

Digital dental technology offers remarkable benefits to labs, dentists, technicians and patients alike. As a digital dental solutions provider in South Carolina , DGSHAPE makes it incredibly easy to produce high quality, amazingly accurate, and cost effective dental restorations. Whether you’re just getting into digital dentistry and CAD/CAM dental milling machines or expanding your current restoration production, DGSHAPE by Roland has the solution for you.

What is CAD CAM?

CAD/CAM dental systems refers to the software used to both design and mill dental prosthetics. CAD (Computer Aided Design) includes digitally scanning and designing prosthetics, while CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) is the process of sending final models to the output device and manufacturing them through milling or 3D printing. DGSHAPE devices and software are specifically engineered to perfectly fit into this digital workflow.

Products to Power Your Dental Lab in South Carolina


DWX-52D Milling Machine

The next generation of the industry’s best-selling dental mill meets the needs of growing lab businesses with more material capabilities, improved tool management and enhanced features.

Key Features

  • Precision 5-axis milling of zirconia, wax, PMMA, composite resin, glass fiber reinforced resin, composite resin, CoCr sinter metal and more
  • 15-station Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) and Intelligent Tool Changer (ITC) for uninterrupted milling
  • Better disc handling, improved tool management and other enhanced features

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DWX-52DCi Dental Mill with Automatic Disc Changer

Take dental restoration to a new level with automatic milling of multiple shades of zirconia and other materials, plus new performance visualization software and other intelligent updates.

Key Features

  • 6-slot Automatic Disc Changer (ADC) to increase productivity overnight and during weekends
  • 15-station Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) and Intelligent Tool Changer (ITC) for uninterrupted milling
  • Performance visualization software and other intelligent updates

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DWX-42W Wet Mill

An easy-to-operate, high-performance wet mill that fits the needs of in-clinics and high-production labs by offering same day service and on-demand production.

Key Features

  • High-speed, precision milling of high-esthetic glass ceramics and composite resin
  • Expanded 6-tool Automatic Tool Changer for uninterrupted milling
  • Open architecture allows seamless integration with existing scanning devices

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The DGSHAPE DWX-42W enables wet milling of popular glass ceramic and composite resins with high precision and accuracy.

  • High speed production with proprietary DGSHAPE spindle
  • Expanded 6-tool Automatic Tool Changer for uninterrupted milling
  • LAN capable for easy connectivity
  • Included VPanel for easy monitoring of milling jobs and tools

Need some help finding what you are looking for? Call us and we will help you

+1 954 874 6325

or follow the link to all Roland Dga products section