• Alumina Copins - ALGLASS Alumina Copins - ALGLASS


    Alumina sintered at 1700?C is one of the most resistant materials known nowadays. However, the high temperatuand thermal contraction inherent to the process make the use of this pure material impracticable for dental structur,making.
    * Materials usually called glasses have low fusing point but, on the other hand, have small mechanical resistance.
    * The Infiltrated glass in a pre-sintered alumina matrix results in a composite that fulfill the mechanical requirements and bicompatibility in a "Metal-Free" technique for structures and coping making.
    * Material and Chemical Engineers Researchers from Brazilian Universities together with specialists in DenProsthesis and Celmat (R) developed a family of products that uses this technology, making this idea available to tlmarket at low cost, high quality and reliability.
    * The ALGLASS means alumina and together with GLASS adds it potential to each other. It was still required to have equipments compatible withthe Brazilian reality to enable the use of state-of-the-art technology by the mostnumber of Dental prosthesis technicians.

    * Sinterization temperature : 1120 C
    * Infiltration Temperature : 1100 C
    * Can be built direct on the working model
    * Infiltration Glass is compatible with Inceram techniques

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