• Tru-Fit Die Spacer - TAUB Tru-Fit Die Spacer - TAUB


    A controlled technique for relieving dies before wax-up, by alternating coatings of gold and silver colored liquids over the die for uniform coverage of 25 microns space. Each coat is approximately 6 microns. Liquids are fast setting. Use on stone, amalgam, plated or epoxy dies. It is a high spot indicator. Tru-Fit's gold and silver colors can be used as a visual aid on models for patient education. Gold solution can be used to simulate crowns, inlays and bridgework. Silver solution can be used to simulate amalgam restorations, partial denture framework.

    According to studies at a leading university, precision castings will not seat, be as much as 200 microns, unless relieved. To provide adequate space for cement and common internal discrepancies for ALL crowns and inlays, four coats of fast-drying Tru-Fit will provide much better marginal fit by allowing castings to seat more completely. Tru-Fit also greatly reduces the need for occlusal adjusting.

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