• 98.5mm PMMA DISCS 98.5mm PMMA DISCS by VIPI

    VIPI BLOCK is used in the milling technique of temporary crowns and bridges by CAD/CAM sytems of various manufacturers. The recommendations of the manufacturer of the Software and the machining center hate to be followed.

    * Polymethylmethacrylate
    * Polymerized Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate ( EDMA )
    * OMC ( Organically Modified Ceramics )
    * Fluoresent
    * Biocompatible Pigments
    * DCL - Double Cross Linkage

    Typical Mechanical Properties of PMMA Blocks:
    * Modulus of Elasticity: 2,200 MPa
    * Bending Stregth: 100 MPa
    * Toughness ( Charpy ): 10 KJ/ m2 ( Izod ): 1.3 KJ/m2
    * Tensile Strength: 75 MPa
    * Vickers Hardness HV ( 0,05/10 ): 135
    * Absorption of Water according to ISO 10477: 20 ug/mm3
    * Water solubility: 0.8 ug/mm3

    Residual Monomer Content ( 24 h at 37 C and 30 min in air ): < 0.7 %


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