Amber® Mill is the first dental glass ceramic milling block to be released in
lithium disilicate. Excellent processability, enhanced physical properties and
high aesthetics provide benefits for both patients and clinics.
Natural milky, fluorescent and multi-chromatic gradient effects.
Prostheses finished with Amber® Mill can see the difference in quality as a
result. Amber® Mill's excellent whiteness and fluorescence create a natural
color spectrum from the cervical area to the cut / occlusal surface of the
prosthesis, complete with glazing without staining.
Denser and crosslinked crystal
structure. Excellent product properties.
Amber® Mill's compact, cross-linked crystal structure provides excellent
product properties. After final crystallization heat treatment, Amber® Mill's
biaxial flexural strength is approximately 10% higher than other products.
I decide for myself what lightness I want .
With just one Amber® Mill, you can create prostheses with varying light
transmission. After selecting the shades you need, heat treatment the light at
the temperature corresponding to the desired light transmittance.
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