• Hc Hybrid Ceramic Mono Discs 98.5Mm - SHOFU Hc Hybrid Ceramic Mono Discs 98.5Mm - SHOFU

    HC DISC 98.5MM - SHOFU

    Shofu Blocks & Disks HC are made of a unique hybrid ceramic material combination ensuring exceptional natural light transmission as well as high durability and flexural strength.

    This new, highly aesthetic CAD/CAM material is suitable for a wide range of indications - including minimally invasive inlays, onlays, cosmetic veneers, full crowns for anterior and posterior teeth, and implant-supported restorations.
    * Force-absorbing hybrid ceramic
    * High wear resistance
    * Tooth-like light transmission and fluorescence
    * Excellent stain resistance
    * Precise milling-fast chairtime
    * Easy high gloss polishing

    Size:  14mm

    Available in Color: A1-A2- A3-A3.5-B3- Incisal


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