There are over 65,000 Dent-X 810 automatic processors installed worldwide, spanning over 25 years of high quality film processing. Each of the three processor models share some of the same popular characteristics:
All Dent-X Automatic Film Processors:
* Are extremely low maintenance
* Alert the operator when the system is ready to process film
* Quickly and quietly produce a dry, archive-ready film
* Have a compact form, specifically designed for dental offices
* Can be cleaned and prepped in minutes
* Are available with an optional chemical drain kit to make cleaning even easier
The 810 Plus and 810 Plus AR Processors
* Are designed for high volume offices
* Activate automatically once the system is ready - place the film and walk away!
* Shut down automatically when finished - saving energy and chemicals
* An automatic chemical replenishment kit is included with the 810 Plus AR and optional on the 810 Plus
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