CADMaster CAD/CAM Kit includes 3 Dura-Green Stones, 3 Dura-White Stones, 2 Dura-Green DIA Stones, 6 CeraMaster Polishers, 5 CeraMaster Coarse Polishers, 3 ZilMaster Polishers.
With the BurButler CADMaster Kit, clinicians will be able to contour, finish, and pre-polish CEREC restorations fabricated from modern CAD/CAM restorative materials, including Zirconia, lithium silicate and disilicate.
Dura-Green silicon carbide stones for adjusting.
Dura-White aluminum oxide stones for finishing.
Dura-Green DIA vitrified bonded diamond stones for contouring and finishing.
CeraMaster diamond impregnated silicone polishers for a two-step polishing system.
ZilMaster diamond impregnated silicone polishers for a three-step system.
CeraMaster Coarse to polish to a satin finish.
CeraMaster to super-polish.
ZilMaster for contouring, finishing, pre-polishing & polishing.