• Dentastic - PULPDENT Dentastic - PULPDENT

    DenTASTIC UNO - One Step Wet Bonding
    5th Generation Light Cure

    For all direct bonding light cure applications. UNO? is an effective,single-component adhesive for bonding to dentin, enamel, porcelain, metal, composite and other resins.

    DenTASTIC UNO-DUO Simplified Dual Cure Adhesive
    5th Generation Dual Cure

    DUO isthe dual cure catalyst for DenTASTIC? UNO?. Use UNO-DUO? for indirect restorations, core build ups, or wheneverself-cure or dual cure capability isindicated. Independent testing shows excellent results*

    DenTASTIC All-Purpose Dental Adhesive System
    4th Generation Dual Cure

    DenTASTIC? is a reliable and easy to understand system for bonding to all tooth and restorative materials. The system has both light cure and dual cure capability. The hydrophilic adhesive primers(A, B & C) and the unfilled resin bonding agents(1 & 2) are offered asseparate components. There is a unique metal primer (C), and the light cure resin bonding agent Part 1 can also be used to wet plastic instrumentsto prevent them from sticking to composites.

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