Bego Dental Products

You’ll see a lot of Bego dental products on the US Dental Depot website – so many, in fact, that it’s impossible to cover the benefits of all of them. So we’ll focus on one –VarseoSmile Crown plus. This is a truly amazing material used in 3D printing of onlays, veneers, inlays, crowns and other types of restorations. Read on to learn how this product can benefit not only practitioners and patients, but dental laboratory professionals as well. 

About the VarseoSmile Crown Plus

When you learn more about the VarseoSmile Crown plus, it’s easy to understand why this is one of the most popular, and successful, Bego dental products. Here are just a few of the reasons.

Benefits For Practitioners

Practitioners have turned to Bego dental products for years. As technology has advanced, so has the company. The VarseoSmile Crown plus delivers incredibly high levels of composite strength, and makes it very easy to view restorations on a radiograph. It also makes it simple to securely fix printed objects in a patient’s mouth with very little effort.

Benefits For Patients

The benefits for patients are just as impressive. The VarseoSmile Crown plus excels in the area of aesthetics, thanks to a perfect balance of translucency and opacity. It helps makes it possible for printed crowns and other restorations to resemble those of natural teeth. Because of the VarseoSmile Crown plus, restorations have an extremely smooth surface that resists plaque accumulation. The material also contributes to substantially reduced sensitivity to both heat and cold.

Benefits For Dental Labs

VarseoSmile Crown plus helps ensure stress-free production sequences, as well as an accurate fit. Results can be reproduced whenever needed. In addition, handling is very easy, without the need for shaking or mixing. Technicians can use the tools they already have to easily polish and grind restorations.

See for Yourself What Makes VarseoSmile Crown Plus so Incredible
We’ll send you the VarseoSmile Crown plus material in an efficient manner, so you can put this – or any of the other Bego dental products we sell – to the test. Learn more by calling +1 954-874-6325 or contacting us online.

Bego Dental Products

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